Information on the Processing of Personal Data

1. Introduction

SC RUS LUCIAN SRL (hereinafter referred to as "we", "the company" or "the Operator"), with headquarters in VISEU DE SUS, TAPINARILOR 16, and workplace located in VISEU DE SUS, MARAMURES, STRADA 1 MAI, NO. 52, registered at the Maramureș Trade Registry Office under no. J24/260/2003, CUI RO 152815241, is the economic operator responsible for processing your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

2. Purpose of the Information

This notice is intended to give you a clear understanding of how we collect, use, transfer and protect your personal data when you interact with us in relation to our products and services, including through our website.

3. Periodic Updates

We reserve the right to periodically update and amend the Privacy Policy (GDPR), to align with any changes in the way we process your personal data or any changes in legal requirements. In case of any such changes, we will display on the website the updated version of the Privacy Policy Information, which is why we ask you to periodically check the content of the GDPR page by accessing the access link.

4. Collection and Use of Personal Data

Your personal information may be collected and used for the following purposes:

  • To provide you with the products or services you request.
  • To inform you about changes to our services or to provide you with special offers.

5. Transfer and Protection of Personal Data

Your personal data may be transferred and stored outside the European Economic Area. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with data protection laws.

6. Your Consent

Tourists staying will be informed at the time of their accommodation by completing the arrival and departure notification sheet - a sheet that also contains the consent to read the information document on the processing of personal data available at the reception of the unit.

7. Contact

For any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact us at the email address